Sunday, February 7, 2010

Enjoy the GO!

So what do you do when you've been walking around Manhattan all day & you suddenly need to use the bathroom?  Most places do not have bathrooms due to limited space so imagine our surprise when we found a huge store in Times Square devoted just to bathrooms---the Charmin "Enjoy the Go" superstore!

First, we had our picture taken with the Charmin bear.

(Notice the toilet girl dancing in the background)

Then, we went upstairs to the restroom oasis.  There were many stalls with many different types of Charmin paper you could choose from to use!  There was a karaoke stage, painting stalls, and many picture opportunities.  The staff was so energetic and excited.  We just couldn't stop laughing and smiling, not to mention we were SO glad we got to use the bathroom for free.  We even got our postcard picture made on the big toilet.  My friends said it was their favorite New York moment! haha

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