Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Central Park-not a fan.

So while my friends were here, of course we thought Central Park was a must see.  Well, we must have seen the wrong parts of it.  The one good thing about the trip was this pretty cool picture we took via self-timer.

Our first mistake was that we took the subway to the 103rd stop on the East Side--aka GhettoVille!  Then we finally found the park after asking a few people, "Which way is Central Park???"  They just pointed and laughed.

We went to the information center to ask where the ice skating rink was.  Once we saw the rink, we decided maybe that wasn't a good idea.  Half of it was closed and it looked pretty dirty.  So then we walked around hoping to find something cool...it never happened.  I wanted to at least be scared or something-that comes from watching too many CSI: New York shows, I suppose.

All in all, it just made my feet hurt for no reason.  I'm going back in the summer when apparently it's super fun and everyone lays out.  We'll see.

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