Friday, April 9, 2010


The MoMA is free on Friday nights!  The Museum of Modern Art offers free Friday nights for anyone and everyone--you don't even have to have a student I.D.  Keep in mind that this place will be PACKED full of people, but if you don't have any money and still want to enjoy some culture, it's a great option.

My roommate and I went last Friday night and enjoyed looking at the art, feeling smart and cultured, and taking pictures.  We also enjoyed the price-tag of it all.  Emilie even got to take her picture with good ole James Dean.

It was a fun night until we got to the top floor and saw the special exhibit of naked people self-mutilating themselves (beware of the Abramovich exhibition!), but besides that-it was a great time!

PulseJFK---greatest thing since sliced bread.

If you are a young person (or want to act like a young person) in New York, you MUST get a Twitter account and follow PulseJFK.  They let you know of movies and shows filming in New York that you can go be a part of.  They tell you all the open bars and restaurant deals for each night.  They tell you all the promotional events and free things that you can take advantage of each day.

New York is such a big city that businesses have to have free events or give away gifts from time to time and PulseJFK gives you up-to-date info so that you CAN have fun in New York on a budget!

Hell's Kitchen Flea Market

My roommate and I have found the "macdaddy" of cheap, real, vintage clothing!  The Hell's Kitchen Flea Market is held EVERY Saturday & Sunday  on 39th street and 9th Avenue.  They had all kinds of old designer clothes, shoes, handbags, etc.  They even had fur coats for around $100.  My boss always wears a fur coat so I had to take a picture of me in one!
Apparently, this flea market is must-see for stylists looking for vintage pieces or new ideas.  They were even selling "Hell's Kitchen Flea Market" t-shirts.  I'll definitely be back next Saturday.

Easter Parade!

New York has a parade for everything.  I had planned on spending the day catching up on homework but when I found out that the Easter Parade was going on just a few blocks from my apartment, I had to take a break and go check it out.  It was hardly worth it!

All it consisted of was people walking down 5th Avenue in their homemade Easter hats.  There were some crazy hats-don't get me wrong-but there was no formal processional or anything.  If I would have known this, I would have made a hat!

The girls above had boys in line to take pictures with them all afternoon!  All they did was put on cute dresses and make matching hats and suddenly they were celebrities for the day!

Yep, definitely making a hat next year....

Empire State Building-Best thing yet!

I've been wanting to go the Empire State Building since I got here in December.  No one ever wants to go with me but my mom promised she would accompany me on my journey.  We had heard that if you go early in the morning, you can beat the lines.  We ignored that and went late at night.  I wanted it to look just like the scene in Sleepless in Seattle--so of course we had to go at night! There was hardly a line--we ended up waiting for about an hour total but that included both elevator rides up to the 86th floor.  You could pay more and go to the 102nd floor, but we figured 86 was high enough.

When we finally got to the top, it was magical.  I finally got to see "the lights" as they were meant to be seen.  Everyone up there was in awe.  It was one of my most favorite moments of New York.

It's Springtime in New York!

When the sun comes out in New York, this place is a whole different city! People come out of their hibernation and actually start interacting with each other! The flowers are in full bloom and suddenly the place doesn't look dirty anyone--it looks absolutely beautiful.

When my mom came to visit, we took a bus tour with GrayLine tours (located in Times Square-1560 Broadway) so that we could see all of the city without having to walk as much.  While some parts of the tour were lame (depending on who your guide was) we really enjoyed getting to see so much in so little time.  We rode down to Wall Street and found this beautiful little garden.  It's the oldest garden in New York and it was put here by the Dutch.  The tulips were so beautiful, we just had to get off the bus and take a picture!